Seri 7506 ini dipersiapkan untuk menggantikan seri 1005F eks JR East 101 yang akan dirucat karena sudah memasuki batas usia pakainya, yang mana rangkaian 7507F juga kabarnya sedang dipersiapkan untuk menggantikan rangkaian 5004F yang mengalami kecelakaan.
Based from information received on November 25th, three cars of Chichibu Railway 7506F with consist KuHa 7706 (TC), DeHa 7606 (M1p) dan DeHa 7506 (M2C) had worked by Tokyu Nagatsuta's depot teamwork, and planned to sent from the depot on the end of December this year.
This 7506F train set ready to serve on Chichibu Main Line substituting 1005F ex JR East train set which planned for scrap after her retirement on the beginning of December, and then the 7507F train set is also planned to be worked later, as a respond of 5004F train set condition which involved on an accident with broken driver's cab face.
Dokumentasi dari salah satu penggemar KRL Tokyu:
Photos from a Tokyu train fans:
KuHa 7706, dipo Nagatsuta
KuHa 7706, tampak plat nomor, dipo Nagatsuta
KuHa 7706, setelah selesai dicat
Sumber/Photo source:
Kembali ke lintas Jabodetabek, penulis mendengar kabar bahwa ada uji coba rangkaian seri 05 batch 12F beberapa jam yang lalu, namun karena kesibukan lain penulis akhirnya penulis pun melewatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan rangkaian seri 05 yang memiliki tralis pelindung kaca kabin masinis berwarna hitam ini.
Back to the Jabodetabek line, I heard a test run was held on yesterday featuring 05 series with batch number 12F, but my rush on another work leaves me behind to meet the train set which uses black colour iron window shield on the front cabin window. It's so painful for me not to meet her on live first test run, which I had expected 05-05F train set is the first to be tested.
Dokumentasi dari Andi Ardiansyah:
Photo from Andi Ardiansyah:
Tokyo Metro 05 batch 12F, stasiun Universitas Indonesia
Demikianlah laporan penulis tentang Chichibu 7506F dan uji coba rangkaian eks Tokyo Metro 05 batch 12F, semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca sekalian, dan penulis berharap dapat bertemu langsung dengan rangkaian 05-12F tersebut di lain kesempatan yang penulis miliki.
This is the end of my report about Chichibu 7506F and ex Tokyo Metro 05 batch 12F first trial run event, hopefully this article is useful for all readers and I also hope can meet that 05-12F train set in another chance I have.
chichibu 7506F itu ex KRL seri berapa??
BalasHapusEx-Tokyu 8090
BalasHapusChichibu 7506F adalah KRL modifikasi eks Tokyu 8090, dengan nomor batch asal 8095F.